How To Perform The Biggest Move In The Gym – The Barbell Deadlift

The Barbell Deadlift

By Arnold Sylvester

When it comes to fitness, most people are a little bit overwhelmed at the sheer confusion surrounding certain exercises and their benefits. Learning how to deadlift should be a priority for anyone with serious ambitions inside the gym, such is the great power it holds.

Many trainers unfairly believe that this exercise is dangerous and certain gyms even ban users from performing it.

There is no scientific evidence to support claims that performing the exercise is bad for you or will prevent you from reaching your goals. In fact, the opposite is true. The key lies in learning how to do it the right way.

It would be foolish to walk in to this exercise without first knowing the proper technique. The same could be said for any move, naturally, but it’s particularly true when you will be able to handle big, heavy loads. These tips will set you on your way:

* Keep your feet set underneath the bar.

* Take a 20 degree bend in your knees.

* Hinge forwards at the waist as you lower yourself to pick up the bar.

* Your back should remain flat and tight during this portion of the move.

* Maximize your strength by gripping with an alternate grip in either hand.

* Push through the heels as you raise the load.

* Your hips will move back in line and you’ll end up in a straight line by the time you reach the top of the repetition.

* At the top of the move, your lower back should be slightly extended, chest out proud.

If you follow all eight steps above you will learn the perfect technique for getting the most out of this very powerful exercise. Better still, you will do it with perfect form which always ensures better results.

If you need any further advice on certain tips, now we’ll look at the more complex sections in more detail for you.

Most people make the crucial mistake of squatting as they perform this exercise. Avoid this by limiting the bend in your knees to 20 degrees, no more.

Experimenting with your grip can also return great gains, so get creative with the various hand positions as you gain familiarity with the techniques above. Keeping your back straight is the difficult part, but if you can focus on pushing your shoulders back at the peak of the repetition you will eliminate this issue altogether.

Another key mistake which is often made is to push through the toes instead of the heels. This would cause you to fall off balance. Keeping your center of gravity over the heels is so important, we cannot stress it enough.

Learning the ins and outs of how to deadlift can be tricky for many people, but you now know the basic principles of the move. While many tips on how to lose weight or put on size can often be quite vague, the principles above will help you to get the most out of the biggest exercise in the gym.

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How To Perform The Biggest Move In The Gym – The Barbell Deadlift

The Barbell Deadlift, Bodybuilding

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How To Chisel Your Biceps Like Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone Biceps

By Russ Howe

If you asked 100 men why they first joined a gym and started lifting weights, a large portion of them would reference an action movie such as Rambo as their primary influence for making the first step into the fitness community. However, dreaming of owning an action hero physique and actually doing it are two very different things, as you are about to find out when we tackle the Sylvester Stallone arm workout below.

Many people go on to discover that the workout is then much more difficult than they initially expected it to be. The finely tuned machine you see on the silver screen at your local multiplex cinema wasn’t built overnight.

The workout Sly Stallone used to build his sculpted arms is renowned for it’s simplicity and it’s brutality. While the exercises are very basic, the techniques deployed are certainly not basic!

This workout is broken up into four stages. They are aimed at biceps, forearms, triceps and a cool down. It is performed as a circuit, with one set of each exercise in the phase without rest being classed as one round of the circuit for that particular muscle. You need four rounds before you can move on to the next round.

Hammer Curl with dumbbells – Feel free to go quite heavy, given that this is the first exercise and your muscles will still be very fresh. Aim for around 12 reps.

Dumbbell Curl on an incline bench – 15 reps with a bench set to a 45 degree angle.

Biceps Curl using an EZ bar – The fundamental biceps exercise, perform 12 reps using a regular grip before switching to a much harder wide grip and forcing out a few more.

Lying Cable Curl – Line a bench underneath a cable station and perform a curl down towards your head on the bench. This needs 15 reps and you might find that you need to use a lighter weight than expected, due to the constant tension of the cables and the burning in your arms at this point.

Twisting Chain Curls – Attach a free weight to a chain and hold the chain so the weight is hanging down. Now perform a curl, while twisting your palms to face away from you at the top of each rep. This engages the muscles in your biceps and forearms. Remember, the forearms are a lot smaller and the instability of a hanging plate is very noticeable, thus a lighter weight is required.

Following 4 brutal rounds of the biceps phase, the forearm specific section awaits your attention. Combine Reverse Curls, Wrist Curls, Handshake Curls and Reverse Wrist Curls in a circuit for 25 reps each before finishing off each round with a 30 second timed hang.

The triceps section involves a few big moves to really get the blood pumping. It’s the biggest muscle in this workout, so push yourself hard if you want to see an even better return on your results. The first move in this phase is Close-Grip Bench Press, which you owe 10 reps. Try to keep the elbows from flaring out as you perform this, to minimize chest and shoulder involvement.

Bench Dips form a large part of this phase. Perform them to failure before moving onto a set of 12 Triceps Pushdowns with a rope attachment. Then go back into dips until you reach failure again and finish off with 20 Dumbbell Kickbacks.

For the cool down phase, you will need to perform three body weight planks for 30 seconds each and one single set of Close-Grip Push Ups. Don’t be fooled into skipping the cool down phase, for it is vital to ensuring you get maximum results and recovery from your gym session.

Upon completion of this workout you will probably have a huge amount of respect the next time you see an action hero on the big screen with a sculpted, lean physique. The exercises are simple and proven, but the high intensity circuit approach puts a totally new spin on things and proves to be the downfall of most participants.

The Sylvester Stallone arm workout is one of the oldest and most effective ways to blast your arms with a completely new approach. It is a well known workout and one which has been attempted many times in gyms around the world. Now it’s your turn.

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How To Chisel Your Biceps Like Sylvester Stallone

Biceps, Bodybuilding

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Do Body Building Supplements Provide Better Impacts On Our Body

Bodybuilding Supplements

Muscle building supplements are acknowledged as an essential supplement for sports persons. It is a fact so good muscle building supplements have better impacts on the body. Someone building supplements lead to measurable gains both in muscle strength and size a person. Bodybuilding supplements helps you to build lean body mass in order to cause body fat loss. Bodybuilding supplements are utilized to improve sports performance and improve recovery from sports occasions and training. Healthy diet, exercise, enough sleep, and proper bodybuilding supplements will help you get amazing body, a healthy body, lengthy existence and enhanced game performance.

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Do Body Building Supplements Provide Better Impacts On Our Body

Supplements, Bodybuilding

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