Are You Getting Your Omega 3’s?

Omega 3

By Vito La Fata

Have you ever heard of omega 3 fatty acids? Chances are you have, but you may be confused regarding what they are and why you should make sure they are in your diet. Essentially, omega 3 fatty acids are a beneficial kind of fat that is important for healthy and normal functioning of your body.

There are a couple of main types of omega 3’s. There are the short chain kinds that are known as ALA, and there are also long-chain kinds that are called EPA’s and DHA’s. You would do well to take an omega 3 supplement, because researchers are finding out that lots of diseases start in the body as a result of inflammation.

And inflammation is the beginning point of such diseases as arthritis, depression, heart disease and cancer. If you take plenty of omega 3’s however, you can help prevent these diseases from occurring in your body. In fact, even your brain is helped by these fats.

If you can maintain a high level of omega 3 in your body, you can decrease the risk that you have of developing Alzheimer’s disease and even dementia. You can cut the risk in half! But having enough omega 3’s can also help you to avoid feelings of depression and sadness as well.

Since you now know about all the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids, you may be wondering how you can go about increasing the level in your body. The important thing to remember is that your body cannot make this type of fat. In order to get them, you have to eat them in your food or take them in a capsule form.

Try to eat plenty of fish and shellfish such as catfish, Pollock, canned light tuna, salmon and shrimp. Also eat walnuts, flaxseed, Brussels sprouts, kale and spinach. But perhaps the most convenient and effective way to get enough Omega 3 fatty acids is to take a supplement. Taking a supplement removes all guess work surrounding whether you are actually consuming enough omega 3 fatty acids or whether you are getting a high quality source.

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Are You Getting Your Omega 3’s?

Omega 3

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