Weight Loss Drugs And Surgery

Weight Loss Drugs

Weight Loss Drugs:

In my opinion, no weight loss drug that has been on the market at the time of this writing has a risk to benefit ratio that is acceptable. Yes, severely overweight and obese individuals are at risk for a variety of health problems. Unfortunately, the short and long-term risks of every weight loss drug that has been produced to date outweigh their potential benefits. My recommendation is to avoid the use of all over the counter and prescription weight loss drugs.

Weight Loss Surgery:

For the vast majority of people trying to lose weight, weight loss surgery is inappropriate in my opinion. I do feel that for the extremely obese, weight loss surgery may be a reasonable option, but I strongly recommend trying the approach presented in this book first. Weight loss surgery is nothing magical. It merely shrinks your stomach to the point where you are absolutely forced to abide by an extremely restricted food and liquid intake – or face some rather unpleasant reactions. If you can find a way to control your food intake without surgery, you will get the same benefits of weight loss surgery without the risks and without the social challenges related to the radically restricted eating plan that follows such surgery.

I have met several people who have the idea that they just have the surgery and then lose weight quickly and easily. They have no concept that following such a surgery, they won’t be able to eat and drink as they used to. They don’t realize that they will only be able to eat a few bites of food per meal, they’ll have to be very careful about what they eat, and that they’ll only be able to drink a few ounces of liquid at one sitting. Yes, they will be informed of these radical changes before they are
accepted for surgery, but some people are so anxious for the surgery they may not fully accept what they are being told until after they’ve had the surgery and it is too late. Fortunately, most of the currently popular weight loss surgeries are reversible if necessary, but anyone considering such a procedure needs to think very carefully before going forward.

Weight Loss Drugs And Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Drugs

via Losing Weight Exp http://losingweightexp.blogspot.com/2013/09/weight-loss-drugs-and-surgery.html